Or, to be held more than reason does not necessarily require that we refrain from doing more.
Also, some bits in bulk, waiting to tell you more about this:

Rock Paper Scissors
is a project that I feel really at heart, and who meet from 12 to 18 October at La Saline Royale d'Arc et Senans , approximately 25 authors from some form of comics for a lab / micro-resident authors, eventually punctuated by an opening weekend to the public (workshops, meetings, exhibitions, concerts, etc.).
I'll scale a final program very soon, but I encourage you to visit the site on PFC, right here, then hop: www.pierrefeuilleciseaux.com . All is not totally finalized, but the coming days should see a more or less clear of what awaits us there ...
Pending further, so a little reminder for ceusses Besançon on this weekend:
When I say here, I would have said it all away, but it's time for me to go and repeat ...
Very good weekend everyone, see you soon (I know, I tell this all the time, it's a shame ...).
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