Last night, damn good time before the Roscoe Mitchell Quartet Chicago, under the 28th Festival Jazz music improvisation in Franche-Comte under three tons of fleet endless fall.
Accompanied by Hugh Ragin on trumpet, Harrison Bankhead on bass, and Tani Tabbal on drums, the guy Roscoe, after taking time to put your stuff (and to scare a few ...), the passage appeared as it appears to remain after all these years: a great musician, holder of an outstanding career (69 brushes anyway) and approaching still "the thing" with an enthusiasm, a look that says even today that could justify the creation of the AACM (Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians) in 1965 (not trying t 'were not born, zozo).
Some time later the man, always at the center of a beautiful clique of angry, even behind the Roscoe Mitchell Art Ensemble , Which quickly became The Art Ensemble , eventually becoming the Art Ensemble of Chicago . And nothing to write here, I'm still excited to have attended a performance of the man ...
(yeah, it's called a classic, this kind of stuff).
(The Art Ensemble of Chicago: Famoudou Don Moye, Roscoe Mitchell, Lester Bowie, Joseph Jarman, Malachi Favors. Picture © Enid Farber).
Those who have nothing else to fuck than to read the contents of this blog know how the scene around the AACM important to me, and therefore I would avoid me like the big tench spread that I am: the concert was brilliant, thank you to the team of Aspro-Impro for taf done every year, somehow.
And that next week as part of the festival Megaphone Dijon (another lineup of the most exciting, for crying out loud! Class guys), I FINALLY get to see another of my musicians favorites, Mr. Doug Hammond . Damn I'm glad!).
Good. Roscoe last night, so.
Beyond the heart and mind regaillardis, I have not gone empty-handed were present these friendly folks at Rogue Art, music publishing label whose catalog was quickly becoming a must. And there, I ducked the eternal lament of the big con fatalist who mourns the lack of record shops worthy of the name, here or elsewhere, noting that even if this is not worth a good shop, you can order the shiny discs Rogue Art catalog on their website, yeah, right here .
In September 2006, Dorbon Michel, founder of the label, gave an interview for the excellent Taran's Free Jazz Hour , one of the best kind of radio show today (indeed, one can find the broadcast side of Angers, Nantes and Toulouse, in addition to great website) , interview right there. Taran is a great guy, with each show exudes passion and enthusiasm often justified. A little class, whatever.
There are no major surprises during this telephone conversation, just the flights exciting and communicative truly passionate about sharing, of course, their vision of the state of jazz today. And beyond the fact (still alarming) on the world of music publishing, you feel the passion that inordinate man (these men because they are two to share).
this morning, so I listen to " Anaya " to Nicole Mitchell, Hamid Drake and Harrison Bankhead , published by Art Rogue, and I really enjoy (and you ? ). When
I say that this disc is mixed by John McEntire , I made a perfect transition to evoke also one of the most anticipated this year (on the side of the street to the Pater Besancon in any case), because a new Tortoise, Msieur lady, that always greet each other with dignity, dzousss name.
Obviously, having a schedule is not yet this year that I would see Tortoise in concert. Bordel!
And besides this?
I read " Collapse" by Jared Diamond in Folio Essais.
Despite controversy about it, I was fascinated by this book, rather very accessible for the dropped me, considering the decay as credible, while hesitant about buying new sneakers ... I exaggerate (to sentence), but this book sheds new light on the problem of population growth, and needs, over-consumption it generates.
I had a few years ago, really liked " Shirke " of Chad Taylor, whom I talked at the time on this little blog chaâââarmant. This was not a risky investment, even if I believed at the time, having gained " The Church of John Coltrane ," recently published by Christian Bourgois. Less than ruffling
Shirke, there is enough control in this book to do, I believe, a highly recommended reading. Anyway, I really hooked, and I'm not saying this because the book deals with a great guy who inherits a debt record collection madman, or a pseudo-jazz singer who disappeared in China Maoist ... It talks about music, obviously, but not only. The very special rhythm adopted by Taylor gives a taste to his stories, including that which it could be characterized: a funny rhythm. And stories.
(Note: I thought I had mentioned here even when played in 2005 but after checking, I had that quote . Pffff, lazy crap).
I read "The reformation fools" (which is not a study of Swiss conglomerate bosses) of Nathalie Constans, to editions Railway and duffer, I must admit that it was mainly to observe closely the costs of this novel (which is pretty good, pretty good!), but also for the many incursions graphic Jean Lecointre. Ah! Jean Lecointre. This new well
barred confronts the granddaughter of Geronimo and Iggy Pop, amid wasteland, somewhere near Detroit. It's risky, but it works, and then mounts completely Bargeot Lecointre's a bit thick on the density in nice sheer lunacy of the narrative.
I am trying to give me a beautiful new coat of "improvised explosive device " of Kiki and Loulou Picasso (published in Association ), however the opportunity to cite their great site, funny, wild, acid and welcome: It's called The Brotherhood Precarious , and it's just awesome. Awesome
in which these permanent freshness zozos wander all these years, and also great because huge but enjoyable, especially when that famous Fraternity note acts as remarkable as this one, which probably did gossip on the side of the mansion of Lagardère & co. It is always better than nothing in their mouths big cons.
A book to get to emergency before he farts.
I am just finishing a book by David A. Beron " The graphic novel - Origins of the 1950 ", published in La Martiniere. More soon.
I talked about "6.6 billion Parakeets", a play given by the Company If you're pressed make a detour?
Well muscles clench my rectal capsule at the mere mention of what remains for me a strange experience, but overall, even if we're all very aware of the many shortcomings of this first joint (first writing, first staged first production company, and uh, first steps on stage for mézigues ...), we're really pleased with the reception it has been done. Do it again very soon and will certainly keep you juice. In case, an email to contact the Company: sitespressefaisundetour (at) gmail (dot) com.
few photos, and you have the right to silence, so I wore a shirt and then, eh? I have no right to wear shirts? Brothel.
(I think these two photos are © Mathieu Faivre)
Go, a few other pictures for the weekend, with less shirts:
(© Elise Stella).
Ah, if I do not know if you're aware, but Farah Fawcett died last week. I wonder if Jill Munroe was not the one responsible for my first love in my very first questions on the direction Sexual ... Oh oh, I did not have ten years, so keep your thoughts eh!
And then there were other deaths in recent days, finally it seems to me.
Personally, this is what I would keep the career of "Bambi." Ca, and then a kid, the memory of a night they can not sleep, just after seeing "Thriller" at 20:30 on TV.
Tonight Hamid Drake William Parker and , at the Kursaal, Besançon.
In the aftermath, the "film festival" or whatever What ploy to shut himself go by nice weather. How does it he falls hectoliters? Hmmm.
Monday morning, hop car at 3:50 am for Lyon, history file girlfriends on a plane to far, far away, and back.
And next week, the full program of Rock Paper Scissors , hurray I look forward, it'll be good all that.
Meanwhile, good weekend.
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