From music in the middle of the night, escaping stuff down on the ground, not that works extremely hard when I'm sleeping in my bed for m intimidate or scare me, it reminds you of something?
It reminds me of the time or Joel lived up to my house when people who live in housing is a schedule conflict that is not great.
However it affects me much less today because I once lived in an atmosphere like I'm able to ignore the time and to silence in the moment as if there were no more noise, so they talk nice, fair, listen music, I hear nothing.
I sleep very well and it devotes much music is a party in the middle of the night before yesterday, just at the time that I had to wake up to make a phone call, I know that the air suddenly go crazy wire at night, but how to reach someone who works from 4 to midnight when I finished school at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the solution my night cut in half.
is crazy Because there are times when I react in a very Zen and other emotions too strong wins on the gestures.
is a weird neighborhood where I live, I meet many people who did not took their pills, which only chats while, I was crossing one yesterday morning, it's scary sometimes, Tonight there is a fool who is up to yell at someone and it's very common.
I meet with the school's great to good people, it was time because I was going to leave this place with the fact that you're too snobby the city's residents.
I m'ennuis of Quebec, because I have a circle of real people to go abroad have coffee, dinner, activities outside of the virtual.
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