I have a third leg that appears, which grows some hand side of the inguinal canal, I struggle daily to run my marathon, to raise the melting usual to put stolen from my mates, be it cycling, squash, swimming pool or football, and it gives me a terrible excuse for not taking the time to talk about everything yet I want to talk here on this little corner of my life, what great, nay, this wonderful blog.
However, I have many things to say, hey, do not doubt it, but the period is rich in findings and falls of all kinds (you remember my procedure prudhommale? Of my secret projects? Of Rock Paper Scissors? the next dates I'm supposed to go hard?), coupled with the usual horrible start to the year (annual, would I even say) from January to February-March (what crap), does not help my business (and c is not procrastinating on facebook that would solve everything).
In fact, among the new thigh (it might as well be a new testicle, which would make me look good, unless it is the opposite, more news soon) and tore room, no big orgy Charente for mézigue, and after the first day of our mini-tour with The Return of the Boogie ( to the barge Cancale at Dijon, Friday night, in a very nice new place run by very nice people, really), I preferred to forfeit the following (in Lyon, logically, a barge was burned last night ...?), and regain my household gods, the tail and the three balls between the legs.
Bah. Deeply
Tuesday, what ...
However, and because it does no good to bad jokes about Haiti in this world we live in, I'll stop complaining, once again promised that the next post on this blog will be more consistent and OP-TI-Mist, and return to my current business.
I'll just use the circumscribing the perimeter of promoting this blog to announce that Tuesday (yes, the day after tomorrow), it plays with the buddies Return of the Boogie at The Powder Belfort alongside Lee Fields and especially Menahan Street Band (with Charles Bradley ) .
Believe it or not, but the guys Boogie will try to dress properly, the story Dunham / Daptone / Desco All-Stars who make up this fabulous training does not believe back home in Brooklyn.
gonna be super good, it VU ALL .
Some news anyway, before going on tiptoe to avoid waking person
• John Porcellino , one of zozos I place very high in my personal pantheon of small comic book writers who me have always parked and gives me enormous satisfaction, started a blog .
It probably talk a lot of very interesting things, such as the reproductive cycle of raccoons, but John P. can do anything and I always find it great because it was John P.
Speakin'of • John P., note the creation of a site maintained by Jordan Crane strips, where you will find Porcellino but Gabrielle Bell, Sammy Harkham, Ted May, Steve Weissman (tremendous contributions) and some other . It starts strong here: http://whatthingsdo.com .
• I know if I already mentioned the death of David Levine ? We find tremendous things here the type on the gallery of illustrations NY Books devoted to it, and here for the rest of his work (oils, watercolors ...). RIP, as they say vindzousss. •
through personal research, I am in search of images, screenshots, or even, let fools, the next series, which should be available on DVD for a completely unreasonable price for the unemployed that I am.
Yes, I know, "but what happens to him, moooon diiiieu" but no, eh.
note, I do not mean the film of this series, eh, and appeared at the same time, no, although the range of 72/73, Franco-Italian co-production I think (and yes, I already know the work of Henrik Larsen on this). • The
innénarable Jean Bourguignon was in Angoulême, proof. That
And if not? Well ... On air we
- my homeboy Zo made me really happy taking the risk of giving me a hard, cow, they are not numerous in the zozos try, but here, Zo Is the man, and he thus completes my little "collection" (which is not really a) the production of the clique of Detroit that I love above all (Tribe shown). A great disc
Wendell Harrison and Philip Ranelin accompanied on this one by Lee Jeamel , circa 1974.
Zo aka Fledermaus is da man!
- Angil & the Hiddentracks Françoiz Breut with "Thelma and Louise?" (On the site We Are Unique Records , the checker subscription offer really cool).
- do not laugh but I rediscovered The Wings, which I attributed to an effect of memories without ever really taking the time to dissect the beast.
Incipient discussion about it on facebook, after I posted one of their videos ( it, if I remember correctly ), made me want to dig the band's discography, I really did not know that two or three albums ...
Let's stop breaking my balls with Lennon, the best Beatles was Paul, it sounds obvious to some of the Wings album if you're not agree, remember that I am on my blog and I say what I want, like "the best thing in the thing about Gainsbourg Sfar has done is the generic start, and the best time is when it stops ".
Ok, it's not mine, I have no intention of going to the dough in this thing, do not fool around either and then I slammed my credit cinema in particular festoche Telerama going to see some tricks and other ways very good, like "Vincere" by Marco Bellocchio (very well done, very well interpreted, very nice camera), "The time remaining "Elia Suleiman (for its part, the more conventional perhaps, but delightfully friendly in its spirit of history transcript)," Wild Grass "Resnais (spin but not bad even if not memorable), and even "Farewell Gary," Nassim Amaouche debut, full of promise but I was not seated (I was already, though).
Damn, I meant the disk surrounding it.
again missed.
That's it.
Oh no, I forgot this awesome video that I never knew existed. The class
absolute, the eternal respect, etc.:
soon, or not.
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