I am in crisis, I do not know what is happening, my emotions are real roller coaster right now, I 'm fine two seconds later I'm crying and there is no healing possible.
What I'd do well is to be touched, it's simple, but it's just that I needed, someone take me in his arms and I'd feel better.
's it, someone reassure me that it will pass, it'll get better tomorrow and SOMETIMES , I can stop worrying, it will go.
If it was my last day on earth, would not have been the best, I just give the best of myself to the gym and it was just loved this morning, but for the intensity I spend my turn, I am too intense not necessary to add.
is what I find most painful to be alone, lack of affection, love my bed, I sleep alone in my sheets in white, but sometimes it's better than two.
If any of these times in the past when I cried, made crises that anger was at its peak I was took her in his arms would stop at once. Any way these are just a way to react to protect themselves, because if I still feel stronger, sometimes it's actually too intense, then be cold, aloof is protection.
I'm exhausted from all my pores, I would receive for a change.